Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5- Nine months old!

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9 months old?? What choo talkin' about?

I know everyone says it, but this is definitely one of those, "Oh, now I understand..." things. I can NOT believe how fast these 9 months have flown. On the other hand, I can hardly remember my life before this sweet, silly baby.

Nora weighs 20 lbs 4 oz, and she is 29 inches long. She is in the 75th %ile for weight and the 90th for height. The tear duct in her right eye needs to be looked at by a pediatric opthamologist, and she has a little fluid in her ears that is being treated, but all-in-all, she is healthy and thriving.

I love her to the moon and back.


  1. I stand by my previous comment- Nora makes the BEST faces!! :) She is so expressive, it is adorable. Our babies have been out just as long as they were in now, can't believe it!

  2. I agree with Mama G. She is a spitting image of you in that picture!
