9 months old?? What choo talkin' about?
I know everyone says it, but this is definitely one of those, "Oh, now I understand..." things. I can NOT believe how fast these 9 months have flown. On the other hand, I can hardly remember my life before this sweet, silly baby.
Nora weighs 20 lbs 4 oz, and she is 29 inches long. She is in the 75th %ile for weight and the 90th for height. The tear duct in her right eye needs to be looked at by a pediatric opthamologist, and she has a little fluid in her ears that is being treated, but all-in-all, she is healthy and thriving.
I love her to the moon and back.
I stand by my previous comment- Nora makes the BEST faces!! :) She is so expressive, it is adorable. Our babies have been out just as long as they were in now, can't believe it!
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how much she looks like you!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mama G. She is a spitting image of you in that picture!