Every other night, between 6:15 and 6:30 P.M., Brad gives Nora a bath. Bath time has been an evolution of sorts. It started out in her "whale" tub on our kitchen counter, and she hated bath time. Eventually, she learned to tolerate her baths, and she discovered the joys of splashing water everywhere. That's when we moved her whale tub to the big tub. Now, she enjoys bath time with Daddy, and she has even started to play with some bath toys, like her little rubber duckie.
I guess soon, we'll have to move her out of the infant tub, but I really don't want to. It's just one more thing to signify that she is growing into a big girl.
Oh man, I had to move Evie out of the baby tub a couple months ago and I was so sad!! She was trying to climb out of it though, so that's no good. It's really cute when they crawl around the big tub with their bath toys and such though- just wait! :)