Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 23- Famous Last Words

I had hoped to get a picture of Nora in her new "big girl" car seat for you today, but when she left for day care this morning it was dark and rainy, so that's going to have to wait until (hopefully) tomorrow.

Since that didn't work out, and nothing terribly interesting happened today, I was all set for this to be our picture.

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I was going to tell you about how Nora loves to crawl to the kitchen (now that she can crawl) and how she's been biting on her thumbs because her 1 year molars are coming through already. That was all I had for today.

Nora had her bath and was all snuggled in to her crib (or so I thought) when she started crying a very loud and alarming cry. Brad high-tailed it in, and he called for me to come quickly.

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Apparently somebody figured out how to stand up in her crib, but she couldn't figure out how to get back down. Funny. It was just 2 short hours ago that I responded "no" to Ms. Tracy when she asked if Nora was pulling up to her feet in her crib yet like she is in her play pen at day care.


  1. She is so cute, big giant tears and all.

    I remember hearing people talking about this stage and I dreaded it. I was already up all night with Cal and I couldn't imagine spending more time going in and out to lay him back down. Strangely enough, he never did that. He pulled himself up and spent about a week letting himself down by just letting go and crashing to the mattress. Then all of a sudden he was seamlessly plopping down on his booty.

    I bet Nora will get it under control in no time. :)
