Feeeeet!!! Every time I am dressing or undressing Nora, I grab one of her feet, hold it up so she can see it, and I squeal this with delight. I kiss them, I clap them together for her, I tickle them, and she loves it.
Nora has the cutest and funniest looking little feet I've ever seen. Her second toe on each foot is longer than the others, and it sort of curls over. I wonder if this is what my great-grandmother, Jennie, used to refer to as "Keough toes"?
(Edited to add: Brad says his toes are exactly the same as Nora's. I'm going to have to do an inspection before I pronounce her toes Daddy's and not of the Keough variety.)
Also, those adorable feet are attached to the most chubbalicious little legs on which I've ever had the pleasure of blowing raspberries.
(Edited again to add: My mom has confirmed that these are *not* Keough toes. Nora must have her Daddy's feet.)