Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 121- Silly Bathtime Daddy

Brad pours cup after cup of water over Nora's head to see her make these adorable faces. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

On a personal note, I love listening to their little conversations during bath time. They're so silly together. It makes my heart happy.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 120- Homeward Bound

I'll keep this brief. After "The pukey carseat incident of 2012, Part Deux" we made it home to Knoxville safely.

Nora was very happy we got back to town in time for her weekly Sunday lunch at Dede and Grandpa's.

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It is now 5:10 p.m. Nora woke up from a nap at noon. She has screamed like a maniac the 3 times I've tried to get her down for a nap since even though she is clearly tired. I hope this means she'll go to bed a little early and sleep really well all night long.

Day 119- Baby's First Marathon

Well, not exactly. She did see her Dad at the Knoxville half-marathon a few weeks ago, but this time, she actually got to cross the finish line!

We headed out early to meet Dad at mile 1. It was a little cool at first, but the sun was shining, and it warmed up quickly!

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After getting a quick hug from Dad as he ran past, we moved on to mile 10. Thankfully, WE didn't have to walk 9 miles to get there. However, by the time Brad hit mile 10, Nora was ready for a nap. She had her feet all kicked up and her eyes were getting sleepy.

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So, we headed back to the hotel for a nap and for lunch, promising we'd head to the finish line after she woke up. Here she is after nap time, cooling down in just a diaper with her favorite books and a peanut butter sandwich. Life is good!

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Once she was rested and fed, we did as promised and walked over to the finish line. Nora had fun hanging out in the shade listening to the music and the announcers call in some of the runners. She was dancing up a storm to the music!

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When Daddy came running through, I passed her off to him so she could cross the finish line with him. In true Nora fashion, she cried like she was being kidnapped. I can't wait to see the official finish line photo!

We headed to the TNT tent where Brad soaked his feet in ice water and then shared a snack with Nora.

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After some more rest time at the hotel, we headed to the Wildhorse Saloon for the after party. I guess this is Nora's version of a silly party trick. The lighting is terrible, but I can not resist this picture!

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Once we ate, drank, and were merry with Brad's TNT team, we headed back to the hotel. Nora rode through downtown Nashville with her feet up. Sweet sleepy girl.

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It was a long, tiring day but a great day at the same time.

Day 118- Vegas, baby!

Nashvegas, that is. On Friday, April 27th, we headed to Nashville. It was Nora's first real vacation and her first time sleeping away from home.

The trip got off to an eventful start when around the Oak Ridge exit, we had what will from forever more be referred to as "The pukey carseat incident of 2012". Here she is just minutes after getting cleaned up. No worse for the wear!

Once we got a little further along, we needed to stop for lunch. We were a little behind on time, so a quick stop at McD's it was. Nora had a lunch packed, but she did get to try her first McD's french fry.

 I'll let you be the judge of her reaction.

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Once we got checked in the Doubletree downtown, we had a pretty uneventful first night, though Nora did enjoy playing around the hotel room.

She hated her Gerber ravioli and ended up eating some of my Subway sandwich instead.

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Not quite tall enough to see the view.

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Same books, different bed.

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Calling for room service because she does not find her accommodations to be up to par??

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She was asleep in her pack n' play at her normal bed time and slept all night. Overall, a successful road trip.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 117- Holding Spot

I had Day 117 on hold for a few days after some technical difficulty and a weekend out of town, but we're back now. So, this entry is for Thursday, April 26th.

Someone does not enjoy the act of getting ready for bed.

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But she brightens right up after getting some milk in her belly. She loves this pre-sleep snuggle time.

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Then, it's off to sleep.

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Sweet dreams!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 116- Just another bath time picture

Because it's cute.
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There are actually some super cute and funny bath pics we're trying to get when she reacts to Brad pouring water over her head, but we haven't quite captured them perfectly yet, so I'm holding out for another day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 115- One Little Monkey

...climbing on the bed.

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Thankfully, she hasn't yet fallen off and bumped her head.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 114- Peek-a-Boo

Nora loves to play Peek-a-Boo. Her favorite way to play is to put a towel or blanket over her head and then pull it off once I say "Peek-a-Boo". Then, she giggles with delight, and I melt. Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 113- Cheat Day

We didn't get any pictures today, so here are some from the past few weeks that I hadn't previously shared.

A colorful dinner on April 7th.

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Not impressed with her party hat on April 14th.

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Story time on April 20th.

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Being a ham after lunch yesterday in Chattanooga.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 112- Chattanooga Choo Choo

We did not actually go on the Choo Choo, but it made for a catchy title. Nora and I, along with Auntie Elisabeth and some friends, visited the Creative Discovery Center this afternoon, and it was a big hit.

Here she is, in all her modesty, admiring herself in the mirror.

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Taking a quick break for a nap, silly girl!!

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Just playing.

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Being a drama queen.

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While there was some fussing in the car on the way there and back, the kiddos all had fun playing and the ladies all had fun visiting. I'd call Nora's first out of town trip a success!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 111- Sad Faces

Now before you go thinking I'm awful for all the sad face pictures I have, you have to know that when Nora gets in one of these moods, she cries if I pick her up and she cries if I put her down. I can't win. So, I take pictures because her sad faces are adorable. Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 110- Smarty Pants

Nora is past just throwing her plastic donuts around and has taken to actually stacking them. Then, she picks up the tower, turns it upside down, shakes off the donuts, and starts over.

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National Honors Society, here she comes!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 109- Messy Face

We were doing baths every other night for a long while, but we've recently moved on to bathing Nora pretty much every night.


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Because by the time she finishes playing, eating, and playing some more, she's a hot mess. Hair sticking up everywhere from rubbing her food in it, hands and face filthy, food down her shirt and diaper (yuck).

Can you see the sweet potato stuck to her eye brow??

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 108- This is getting ridiculous!

3 months. That's how long her molars have been showing signs of coming in. The past few days have been really, really hard. Her gums on the bottom right side of her mouth are so swollen. She is pitiful, and it breaks my heart.

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It took her an hour to fall asleep tonight and just an hour later, she woke up crying. I have a feeling it's going to be a long night. I pray she gets some relief in the form of a tooth breaking through very soon.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 107- On the Move

Laughing at her dogs who were running around like maniacs.

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Maneuvering her way around the patio furniture.

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Contemplating whether to attempt the climb into the house or wait to be carried.

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Winding down with a bubble bath.

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 106- A Typical Sunday

Hanging out after Sunday lunch at Dede and Grandpa's.

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Walking around with one of her new birthday toys. Love that saucy face.

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Mad at me because this is NOT how we usually do bedtime.

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THIS is how we STILL do bedtime. I'm such a sucker.

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I love weekends, and I'm already counting down to the next one.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 105- You are my Sunshine

Today was Nora's birthday party!!!!!!!!!! I'm not usually a fan of the over-use of exclamation marks, but today, I am making an exception.

I can no longer deny it. My baby is becoming a big girl!!!!!

I am in love with these 2 pictures. My mother and me on my 1st birthday compared with Nora and me today, at her party.

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What a coincidence that 34 years apart, Nora and I would be wearing sweet little yellow and white gingham dresses for our birthdays.

Anyway, it was a gorgeous day at Adair Park, where we had the party at a gazebo near the playground. Friends and family came to celebrate at Nora's "You are my Sunshine" birthday party.

Here are a couple more pictures of our little ray of sunshine at her birthday celebration.

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I am so happy to be this sweet girl's Momma, and my heart is full today. I'm looking forward to seeing what this next year holds for us.