Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 332- The Post In Which I Brag

Nora is getting pretty good with her ABCs. She is better with the letters at the end of the alphabet, and I'm pretty sure that's because the alphabet decal stickers closest to her diaper changing station are the later letters.  I've mentioned this before, but she is *obsessed* with letters and print in general. Of all her books, this one is undoubtedly her favorite right now.

I'm not sure if it's ever been said in the 330+ days so far that Nora's bedroom is decorated in a combination of Dr. Seuss ABCs/ABCs in general/primary colors. She has a bed sheet that looks exactly like this book cover. One of the things she loves is for me to point to each letter and say it. Then she points and repeats after me. When we get to X, Y, Z, though, when I point to Y, she finishes up with "Zeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Tonight, she was watching her beloved Super Why, and at one point, they were looking at XYZ. After the cartoon character said, "X...Y..." once again, Nora gleefully announced, "Zeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" One of the cutest things I heard her say was in the car a few days ago. She kept repeating to herself over and over, "Mommy Daddy ABC Mommy Daddy ABC". It made my heart so happy.

It's a small thing, but I am so proud of her love of the alphabet.

Mommy, put down the camera, and say the ABCs with me!

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