Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 311- Presidential Election

Dear Nora,

When we wake up tomorrow, either President Obama will have earned 4 more years, or there will be a new president, Mitt Romney. Your Daddy and I have talked about what it means for us, for you, for the country either way. We both agree that our life as we know it probably won't change too much in the next 4 years, but I do worry about the effects of the presidential outcome for other people whose lives are different from ours, as well as for the country in the long-run.

When it comes to what we consider to be the "big issues", your Daddy and I are mostly on the same page. I know that many of your early opinions will be formed based on what we teach you. But as I sit here anxiously watching the results roll in, I wonder what you'll be thinking and feeling on the 1st Tuesday in November 30-some years from now.  I wonder which side of the political spectrum you'll find yourself on. I wonder what issues will be of utmost importance to you and your family. I hope that some of the issues that are being fought and heavily debated today are finally non-issues by the time you are old enough to cast your first vote.

I probably won't get much sleep tonight. Unlike you. You've been fast asleep for an hour and a half now, completely oblivious to our country's political tug of war. For that, I am thankful.

We love you, and more than anything, we want you to have the best and brightest future possible.

Momma and Daddy xo

P.S. Here  you are checking out the electoral map right before bed time. Disclaimer: The colors on the map are not accurate- just for fun.

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