I am pretty sure I've mentioned before how much we love Nora's day care. There's no where else I can imagine her being when she's not home with me. It's such a warm and welcoming home environment, and her "teacher", Ms. Tracy loves and cares for the kids like they're her own. Nora was actually smiling at Tracy while I was taking this picture. It makes me feel so good to know that Nora is being loved on even when Momma isn't around.
Other than Tracy, Ms. Kim and Ms. Susie also help out part time. Nora's day care friends are Dontae, Annie, Josh F., Josh T., and Aiden.
When I picked Nora up today, I asked if it would be ok if I took a picture of her playing before we left. This is a little "vanity" that she likes to play with. She opens the mirrors, looks in each one, closes the mirrors, and then starts over. Sometimes the vanity tips over when Nora pulls up on it, and she'll wait for Ms. Tracy to fix it for her so she can continue to gaze lovingly at herself in the mirror.
I love that you have such a great day care provider! It is such a relief when you're a working mama to know that your baby is happy and being loved. :)