Another cell phone picture. I couldn't resist this one!
During the week, at day care, Nora naps like a champ. She sleeps in a playpen from 1-3 p.m. every afternoon. At home, she will nap for me under one circumstance: If she is laying snuggled up against me. Sometimes I will try to fight her to nap in her crib, but it takes up to an hour and a lot of tears to get her to fall asleep for 20 minutes.
OR I can lay down and take an hour long nap with her twice a day. Sometimes I don't nap at all. I just watch her sleep. I used to stress out about this napping arrangement, but like other parts of her babyhood, I realize that this phase will be over all too soon. I'm going to enjoy these sleepy snuggles each weekend for as long as my Sleeping Beauty will allow them.
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