Nora wasn't feeling bed time tonight. I knew it would go down this way the minute I finished giving her her bottle because she popped right up in my arms and started looking around instead of snuggling into my shoulder. The first 2 times I put her in her crib, she practically bounced up to standing. The third time, she reluctantly stayed put, but looking betrayed, as seen in the picture. The moment I left the room, she started yelling as though there was an intruder in her room. Ultimately, Brad went in and snuggled her until she was sleepy enough to go down without a fight.
They say that babies don't keep and a picture speaks a thousand words. For these reasons, will spend 2012 taking and sharing daily photographs of our sweet daughter, Nora, as we watch her grow before our eyes. We hope you'll enjoy taking this journey with us.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Day 46- Good night, sweetheart
Nora wasn't feeling bed time tonight. I knew it would go down this way the minute I finished giving her her bottle because she popped right up in my arms and started looking around instead of snuggling into my shoulder. The first 2 times I put her in her crib, she practically bounced up to standing. The third time, she reluctantly stayed put, but looking betrayed, as seen in the picture. The moment I left the room, she started yelling as though there was an intruder in her room. Ultimately, Brad went in and snuggled her until she was sleepy enough to go down without a fight.
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Oh yea- I dread the nights when instead of falling asleep while nursing, Evie pops up and starts grinning at me. :/ Too cute- but not a good sign at bedtime!!