On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, "Life will never be the same."
Here you are on the night (or rather the very early morning) you were born.
Have you ever seen a baby so beautiful? I haven't.
Today, you turned 1 year old.
Like most Moms, I have had some mixed emotions today. I am so proud of the sweet little girl you have become. You are smart and funny and affectionate. You give the most amazing hugs and sloppy kisses, and if I'm being honest, you save the best ones for me. You and I have something special. I just want to soak it in while I can before you get too old to tolerate my endless kisses.
Your smile melts the heart of anyone who is lucky enough to be on the receiving end of one of your huge, dimply, toothy grins.
Oh, and your Daddy? You light up each others' lives like I never could have dreamed.
One of my favorite moments each day is that minute right before he walks through the door from work. As soon as you hear the key in the door, you start yelling, "Da! Da!" in the most excited voice while pointing at the door. And when he walks in, the smiles on your faces as your eyes meet is enough to make any bad day I might have been having melt away completely.
Your favorite words are dada, dog, hey, and yeah. No "mama" yet, but I'm waiting anxiously for that day. I know when you say it, you'll really mean it, and it will have been worth the wait.
Your favorite tv shows are "The Wiggles" and "Chloe's Closet". Mostly, you like smiling and clapping along to the theme songs. You've got some rhythm, little girl. Maybe you've inherited some of your Grampy's natural musical talents. Only time will tell!
You crawl quickly and like a pro, and you're cruising all over the place by holding on to whatever you can. I'm sure one day soon, you'll let go and run, showing us even more what a big, independent girl you are.
While I am so proud of you, my big girl, there is also a part of me that is sad. Sad that time is already going by much too quickly. I just want to hit a slow motion button so that I can savor every moment, every snuggle, every hug, every smile, every giggle, every sloppy kiss, every hand clap, every wave, everything. For example, tonight, as you fell asleep snuggled in my arms, sitting in the chair in the corner of your bedroom, your head resting against my shoulder while I read to you, "On the Night You Were Born"... that is a moment I want to breathe in and save for a thousand rainy days.
Nora, no matter what life brings your way, I hope that above all else, you know that there is no little girl in the whole world loved more than you.
Happy Birthday, sweet chicken baby!
All my love,
Mommy xo
Sarah, this is so beautifully written, and so touching. The years fly by, as I well know, but you are cherishing each moment and to our joy, sharing those moments. This surely will make a great 'blog book' keepsake. xo AB
ReplyDeleteThank you. It took me a long while to write the other night. I have a lot of joy in my heart as I look back on the past year and think about what's to come. The joy definitely outweighs the sadness. I just wish, like I said, that I could hit that slow motion button every once in a while. :)