16 months old. A stone's throw from "a year and a half". 14 teeth and the best smile on the planet.
Will smile for snacks. |
I am amazed at how much your comprehension has grown recently. Today, you took my keys and tried your hardest to get them to fit into a door knob. When we were reading an animal book, and I got to dolphin, you trotted over to your toy box and brought me your stuffed dolphin. During bath time, when your little man fell out of his boat, I asked you to put the man back into his boat, and you did. But not before you gave him a hug and a kiss first. Because you are precious. This preciousness was also demonstrated at church today as you high-fived everyone within reach on our way out of the sanctuary.
High Five! |
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! |
Behold the baby mullet.
You are such a joy to be around, even the day after you kept Momma and Daddy up from 3 until 6 a.m. for no apparent reason. You are so loved, from the top of your baby mullet all the way down to your stinky toes. xoxo
ahahh Love the baby mullet!