Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 149- Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day, which is separate from Veterans Day. In Canada, we have one day to honor all veterans, and it coincides with the U.S.'s Veterans Day. We call in Remembrance Day.  Anyway, for my Canadian readers, Memorial Day is, as you can probably figure out, to honor those veterans who died at war. So, yesterday, as I mentioned, we visited Uncle Spott's grave.

Today, we spent the holiday with friends in New Market. We only spent a little bit of time outdoors since it was so hot. Here are a few pictures of Nora playing around the Jacks' house while we ate and were merry.

I realized this was her first time seeing a guitar. For shame considering what her Grampy does! She gravitated towards it several times.

Here she is playing with Lauren. She also played some with Lauren's cousins, Taylor who is 3 and Matthew who is 9 months old.

She hung out a bit with her "Uncle" Rob. I am sure that is his look of disbelief when Brad insisted that he is a pro at changing diapers.

Finally, here are Brad, Lauren, Nora, and Rob. When Brad and I got married, Susan was pregnant with Lauren. It's hard to believe how much time has passed and how much has changed!

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