Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 152- Cleaning House

Nora wandered into the kitchen to inspect the floor...

She was not pleased with what she saw, and she let me know it was time to sweep.

Ok, I admit, that's not really how it happened, but she did look cute grabbing at the broom.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 151- New Bedtime Routines

I've posted more than once about Nora's bedtime routine: Bath, bottle, snuggles and lullabyes, sleep. I've also posted about how I've been working on, against my heart's desire, dropping that bedtime bottle.

Well, I think it's done now. We've gone several nights in a row with our new routine.

Instead of a bottle at bedtime, she gets a sippy cup of milk about an hour before. She and I sit together on the couch or in the recliner while she drinks her milk, though sometimes half way through, she wiggles her way to the floor and finishes drinking it there while playing with a toy or flipping through a book.

Then, she has bath time with her Daddy, which I'm pretty sure is one of the highlights of her day.

After bath time, I get her into her PJs, and we sing the Alphabet Song while pointing to the letter decals on her wall, which she loves. She's just really started noticing the letters recently, and she points to them all the time now (D, U, and V seem to be her early favorites as she points to them the most.)

Finally, we sit in her chair- the one that I used to give her her bottle in- and we still snuggle and sing lullabyes before she gets put down in her crib for the night.

I thought she and I would both really mind giving up that bedtime bottle, but we've settled into a new routine pretty seamlessly.

I ask again, who is this big girl??

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 150- On the Go

Nora had such a great day today. She shopped with me at Target and scored 2 new swimsuits. We also had lunch at Applebees with friends, and she played hard at the indoor playground at the mall. Finally, this evening, we went to watch her friend Kaitlyn play tee ball.

Where did this big girl come from, and what did she do with my baby??

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 149- Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day, which is separate from Veterans Day. In Canada, we have one day to honor all veterans, and it coincides with the U.S.'s Veterans Day. We call in Remembrance Day.  Anyway, for my Canadian readers, Memorial Day is, as you can probably figure out, to honor those veterans who died at war. So, yesterday, as I mentioned, we visited Uncle Spott's grave.

Today, we spent the holiday with friends in New Market. We only spent a little bit of time outdoors since it was so hot. Here are a few pictures of Nora playing around the Jacks' house while we ate and were merry.

I realized this was her first time seeing a guitar. For shame considering what her Grampy does! She gravitated towards it several times.

Here she is playing with Lauren. She also played some with Lauren's cousins, Taylor who is 3 and Matthew who is 9 months old.

She hung out a bit with her "Uncle" Rob. I am sure that is his look of disbelief when Brad insisted that he is a pro at changing diapers.

Finally, here are Brad, Lauren, Nora, and Rob. When Brad and I got married, Susan was pregnant with Lauren. It's hard to believe how much time has passed and how much has changed!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 148- Splish Splash

It was a hot 90+ degrees today, so while we were at Market Square for lunch, we thought we'd park it in the grass under a tree.

Relaxing in the shade
We were having fun watching some bigger kids playing in the sprinklers when someone caught my eye!

Do I know you?
That's Ella. How I know her Mom is a really long story (I just tried to type out a short version. It didn't work ha!), but the point is that this was Nora's first time meeting Ella. We were going to get together next weekend, but we happily ran into each other this afternoon.

Anyhow, Ella was all up in the sprinklers with the big kids, but Nora needed some encouragement.

Ella says, "Come on in. The water is fine!"

This doesn't seem so bad...
After getting dried off and stripped her down to a diaper, we said our goodbyes to her new friend. Then, we headed over to Rita's Ice to get refreshed. Nora got to try her first ever kiddie cone of frozen custard.

What is this frozen deliciousness?

This pointy, crunchy end is pretty good, too!
After a nice long late afternoon nap, we capped off the day at the cemetery where we planted our annual Memorial Day flags at Uncle Spott's grave.

Nora's great-great Uncle B. Spottswood Preston, KIA WWII 

Unless Nora someday has a brother who inherits Spottswood as a middle name (like her Daddy), this will be Nora's tradition to carry on when she grows up.

It was a busy day. A long, hot, busy day, and I loved every minute.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 147- Saturday Morning Outing

This morning, we headed downtown to see Brad run the Expo 10K. I knew it would take him about an hour to finish, so I took Nora into the courtyard area near the start/finish line to play. We were able to stay in the shade, which was good because I forgot sun screen. I was even able to get her to hold my hand and walk around for a while, which was nice because she normally falls down and throws a tantrum when I try to walk with her.

Here she is enjoying a beautiful morning in downtown Knoxville.

And, of course, with her Daddy at the finish line.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 146- Mouthy Baby

Nora loves to put things on her head and in her mouth. Tonight's victims?

The red triangle block from her shape sorter...

... and a sock.

I love how she is just sitting there watching TV with a sock hanging out of her mouth. She makes me laugh. Hard. Every day. Silliest girl.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 145- Sleepy snuggles

I'm working on getting Nora to drop her bed time bottle by giving her a sippy cup of milk about an hour before bed time. It worked like a charm the first night I tried it, but she seems to have caught on to my antics, and she has refused the pre-bath time milk since then.

Of course, I love bed time snuggles, so I've not pushed too hard. I know I need to be more consistent, but for tonight...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 144- Simple Pleasures

Happiness is... the air vent blowing cold air in your face and your hair.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 143- The Day I Left My Camera At Work

So, yeah. I forgot my camera in my desk at school. I took it because it was picnic/field day. Then I didn't take any pictures there, but I still left my camera behind.

I could have gotten some really cute ones of Nora tonight, too. We went to see my friend's daughter play tee ball in the rain. Nora, of course, was nice and dry in her stroller with a canopy and an umbrella.

Anyway, instead, I present to you...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 142- Passport

Nora's passport arrived today, and from the look on her face, she has caught the travel bug. The sky's the limit!

Nova Scotia or Bust!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 141- Snuggles

Sunday afternoon snuggles were given today to Auntie Elisabeth, Cousin Mary, and Uncle Patrick. Here's Nora just hanging out on Uncle P's lap after lunch.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 140- Spaghetti Face

Today, I had plans to go to a high school graduation, so we decided to grab lunch before I headed out. We went to Puleos, and Nora was so much fun.

She behaved perfectly except for maybe when she put her spaghetti on her head...

Spaghetti on my head? I have no idea what you're talking about.
...and when she was banging her plate with a spoon.

A little lunch time music, anyone?

She also would randomly burst out laughing at who knows what?  She is so much fun right now. I am really enjoying this early toddler stage.

Laughing? Not me. I am a very serious baby.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 139- Things That Make Me Smile

Watching the little wheels turn in her head as she teaches herself something new...

The faces she makes when she is being silly...

Hugs for Daddy...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 138- Getting Dirty

Just another laid-back early evening on the back patio. I love those chubby, dirty knees. Don't worry, though, Mom. We did put shoes on her so she wouldn't hurt her precious little feet.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 137- Fresh Air

This afternoon, while I was at work late (grrr!) Brad and Nora took a stroll around the Victor Ashe/North West greenway.


Brad says she was very nosey aware of her surroundings, and she enjoyed being out in the fresh air.

"Who are you calling nosey?"