Pumpkin season, that is.
Today, Nora made her first trip of the year to the pumpkin patch with her day care. Since I'm on fall break, I got to tag along.
What am I supposed to do with this thing? |
I found one! |
Go big, or go home! |
Momma and her side-kick. <3
Unfortunately, Brad couldn't make it to the field trip today, so we're going to go back as a family to pick out our pumpkin. You can be sure that there will be more pumpkin patch pictures.
From here, Nora and I headed to her 18 month doctor appointment where she had 2 immunization shots and her flu shot for the season. I'd like to say that she handled it like a champ, but that would be a lie. She ugly sobbed through the whole appointment. You know the kind of cry that ends with your kid wrapped around you with their head on your shoulder, hyperventilating, while your shirt gets soaked with their tears and snot. Yep, that was us this afternoon. Brad met us for the appoinment (what a great Dad!) but I bet he wishes he hadn't.
On the bright side, she got a great report from Dr. Joe. She is perfectly on track with all of her developmental milestones, and she is growing like a weed. Nora is now 26.6 lbs, which puts her in the 75th percentile for weight. She is 33.75" tall, which means she is at the 90th percentile for height. And her head? Still in the 95th percentile.
She has most likely inherited some of my allergies, and based on her symptoms, it was suggested that we give her a dose of children's claritin or zyrtec daily. She is also ready to move on to chewable vitamins. Nora is officially a "Flintsones kid"!
She had such a busy day that she passed out within minutes of being put into bed tonight.
Sleep tight, sweet girl.