Today, Nora had surgery. It was a tear duct probe and irrigation on her right eye. At 5:10 a.m., I gently picked her up from her crib, changed her diaper, and set her in her car seat still in her PJs. I was worried that she would be very upset with me since I wasn't feeding her, but she surprised me. She smiled the whole way to the hospital. She was calm during check-in and vitals. By the time we got to her room to wait for her surgery, she was having a good ol' time.
Nothing to see here.
Brad's mother showed up for moral support around this same time, and she stayed with us the rest of the morning.
Shortly after these pictures were taken, Nora was given some "happy juice" to help with any separation anxiety she might experience, and it worked like a charm. She relaxed even more than she was already, and when she was wheeled away, she was smiling at me. I was nervous but so proud of my big girl.
It was only about 20 minutes later that we got the call from Dr. Gitschlag that surgery was complete and had gone off without a hitch. We headed back to wait on Nora in her room. It wasn't too much longer until she was wheeled in to us, a little more ornery than when she left. I guess she realized she was hungry.
Once she got some liquids into her and some snuggles from Momma, she was much better.
All of the hospital staff seemed to be taken with her. They commented on how good she was, how sweet she was, and what a little "lover" she was, giving hugs, smiling, and waving to passers-by.
About 30 minutes after having some Pedialite and apple juice, we were given the ok to head home and feed her solid food. The minute we got in the car, I gave her a bottle.
I underestimated my girl again, thinking that the rest of the day would be shot, but for Nora, it was business as usual. She napped at her regular times, ate at her regular times, and went to bed at her regular time. She was happy and care-free all day. We were even able to get her out for a shopping excursion and dinner at Tomato Head!
Today, I am a very proud and happy Momma.